how to get a cat to play with a toy

how to get a cat to play with a toy


If you’ve ever tried to get your cat to play with a toy, then you know how frustrating it can be. It’s important that you understand your cat’s personality and choose the right toys for them. Here are some tips on how to get your cat interested in playing with toys:

how to get a cat to play with a toy

Understand your cat’s personality.

Cats are very different from dogs, and it’s important to understand that if you’re trying to get your cat to play with toys or other things. Cats are more independent, so they don’t need human interaction as much as dogs do. They also have a high level of sensitivity: they feel what humans feel, but tend not to show their emotions outwardly like dogs do (unless they’re really stressed out).

So how can you understand your cat’s personality? It’s helpful if you know their food preferences (such as dry kibble versus wet canned food), their sleeping patterns (lounging around all day vs going out every evening), whether or not they like being held down on the ground while grooming themselves…

Once you’ve got these things set up, you can start playing. Try throwing the cat toy down and letting your cat chase after it, then bring it back in front of them again so they can pounce on it! You can also try holding the toy out of reach while they try to grab onto it with their paws.

Choose toys that are safe.

  • Choose soft toys. Soft toys are safer to play with than hard ones because they tend to be flat and smooth. They also shouldn’t have small parts that could cause injury if the cat chews or shreds them (like beads).
  • Avoid toys that have strings attached to them, as well as feathers and other materials that may get caught in your cat’s mouth when she plays with them.
  • Cat-size toys should be no larger than 2 inches in diameter—anything bigger can be dangerous for your kitty! If you want something smaller than this size but still big enough for her claws not to hurt you when she scratches at it, try playing “peekaboo” instead: Hide the toy behind something so she has to poke around until she finds it; this will keep her from getting too close so fast that she might accidentally bite down on part of the toy itself while hunting around blindly.”

If you want to get your cat interested in something, try dangling it above its head and then letting go at the right moment. This is a great way to get them interested in playing with a new toy; just make sure you don’t drop it on their head!

Experiment with timing.

You’ll want to experiment with timing. First of all, the cat should be hungry and tired. If it’s not hungry or tired, then the toy won’t be interesting enough for them!

Then you’ll want to make sure that their environment is quiet: no TV or radio playing in the background; no other animals making noise; etc. Also, try having them play in a place where they can run around if they want to!

Always use positive reinforcement.

The best way to get your cat to play with a toy is by rewarding them with treats and petting. You can also use positive reinforcement, such as playing games of chase or hide-and-seek. If you want your cat to play with the toy in the first place, it may help if you give them something else they like while they’re doing so: maybe an interactive mouse or laser pointer!

If all else fails, try using negative reinforcement (this means punishing) instead of positive reinforcement; for example, if your cat doesn’t want anything near the thing that interests them most like those stickers on their favorite laptop case you could take one away from them until they do start playing with it properly for once!

The more you know about your cat, the easier it will be to understand its behavior and what they like and dislike!

It’s also helpful to understand their behaviors when they’re not feeling well. If your cat has a cold or respiratory infection, for example, it might become lethargic and less active than usual but if you have a kitten, you’ll want to watch for any signs that she might be too rough with her toys. This could mean that she’s still teething and needs something softer to chew on than the toy itself, or that she needs one of those soft rubber toys with a jingly bell inside. If your cat is playing alone but seems to be having trouble with her toys especially if they’re made of hard plastic or other materials that can’t be chewed safely try switching them out for softer ones like fabric balls or plush mice. If you want your cat to play with a toy, try giving them treats or playing with them yourself! The way that you get your cat to play with a toy can vary from cat to cat, so it’s important to try different strategies until you find the one that works best.”.

how to get a cat to play with a toy

Use these tips to help your cat have a great time playing with toys!

  • Use positive reinforcement.
  • Make sure the toys are safe.
  • Understand your cat’s personality and how they play, not just in terms of what they do but also when they do it.
  • Don’t be afraid to experiment with timing and placement in order to find the best way for them to have fun!

If you’re looking for a toy that your cat can play with alone, try one that has small parts that move around or make noise when she bats at them. You can also buy toys designed specifically for cats, like mice and balls that contain catnip inside your feline friend will have fun trying to get the “prey” out of its hiding place you’ll want to make sure that the toy is something your cat really likes and will play with on their own. Try different types of toys until you find one that catches their fancy! Once you have, then try leaving them alone with it for a few minutes are very intelligent, so it’s important not to underestimate them. If you want your cat to play with a toy, then give them something else that they like while they’re doing so (like treats or petting). Cats can also be trained; try using positive reinforcement instead of negative reinforcement you can also use toys as a way to keep your cat active while they’re indoors. Toys are a great distraction when they get bored and can help you keep them from doing other things that might put them at risk (such as jumping on counters or scratching furniture)!

you can also read “best cat toys for cats that don’t like toys” to know your cat more.


In conclusion, we have covered some of the best ways to get a cat on board with playing with toys. If you are looking for how to play with your cat then this article was written for you! We hope it will help you reach your goal.

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